Thursday, November 11, 2004
Stop by and say Hi
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Join me elsewhere
After a break, I will be returning to my old blog, Tomfoolery of the Highest Order. I hope you'll join me there....Brian
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Our blog is nearly done
I want to thank of all of you who have contributed to the comments and sent all the e-mails. Since I am a full-time law student, it was hard to post all the things we received. I hope you understand that.
We have had a great time doing this. I have never met the other contributors, believe it or not. They sent me e-mails at the beginning, we talked, and they joined in. Gary from was our Photoshop guy, and his work was top-notch. Paul Drabek added a lot of valuable insight from the perspective of a good conservative family man. Tim did not post much due to life's demands, but offered great commentary when he did. Cavalier X was highly passionate about this effort. Mike was our pro-American Australian connection, a true friend like all Australians are to us. I was damn lucky to have them post here.
Thank God Kerry lost. I have a beautiful little baby, Emily, who I am more proud of than I could ever explain. I do not want her life corrupted by liberalism. I want her to know that America is a force for good in this world, not the source of the world's problems, like liberals think. I do not want her to think abortion is nothing different than having her toenails clipped. I want her to give me grandchildren someday, not bring home her "girlfriend" and tell me she wants to get married to her. I want her to see real Muslims like I see my old college buddies who happened to be Muslims, as good people. She will never be able to do that as long as their are scumbag terrorists who use Islam as cover, and are enabled to do so by moral relativist liberals.
I want her to proudly believe in God and love Jesus Christ, without shame or ridicule.
Most importantly, I want Emily to understand that she, and she alone, is in her control of her destiny. I do not want her to see life's failures as the fault of the government not giving her enough, or doing enough for her. I want her to have personal responsibility first and foremost.
Liberal Democrats represent everything I am not, and represent everything I do not want my daughter to be. John Kerry almost perfectly symbolized all that I am against. That is why I started this blog. We may or may not have changed one vote, but we found it very important to make people understand what kind of person John Kerry is. No one really knew him a year ago, and I was fearful that people who vote for him not knowing who he is. Luckily, thanks to more powerful people than us, people did get to know him, and rejected him accordingly.
If you are a Kerry supporter, understand this. Bush was re-elected for the same reasons that Clinton was: Their supporters believed in them even if they did not agree with all of their policies. Both were likeable, even to those who didn't vote for them. Kerry, on the other hand, simply is not a likeable guy. He is untrustworthy, and he will never be forgiven by a lot of people for what he did upon returning from Vietnam. And, complaing about how the world hates us doesn't fly here. Everyone knows France is full of assholes, and they have hated us for years. The U.N. is corrupt, and few people are interested in their opinion as well.
And, you need to dump, Michael Moore, and a whole bunch of other people and groups that are dragging you down. This country needs two strong parties, and you Democrats are NOT holding up your end of the bargain. I fear anyone with too much power. I hope you learned yesterday that anger, slander, and flat-out lying is a failure. Perhaps you should take an honest look at George W. Bush. You will see that, while flawed, he is a good man and has earned America's trust. People turned out in record numbers to vote, and, as we have seen, they turned out to support him, not reject him.
In his second term, Bush has some golden opportunities. I expect that he will have both failures and successes. But I don't have any doubt that he will act with vision and moral clarity. He will keep America strong and resolute. This is I know for sure, and that is why I supported him for re-election.
America made the right choice yesterday. America almost always make the right choice. That is why we are the greatest country on Earth.
God Bless America, and never forget the lessons of September 11th, 2001.
We have had a great time doing this. I have never met the other contributors, believe it or not. They sent me e-mails at the beginning, we talked, and they joined in. Gary from was our Photoshop guy, and his work was top-notch. Paul Drabek added a lot of valuable insight from the perspective of a good conservative family man. Tim did not post much due to life's demands, but offered great commentary when he did. Cavalier X was highly passionate about this effort. Mike was our pro-American Australian connection, a true friend like all Australians are to us. I was damn lucky to have them post here.
Thank God Kerry lost. I have a beautiful little baby, Emily, who I am more proud of than I could ever explain. I do not want her life corrupted by liberalism. I want her to know that America is a force for good in this world, not the source of the world's problems, like liberals think. I do not want her to think abortion is nothing different than having her toenails clipped. I want her to give me grandchildren someday, not bring home her "girlfriend" and tell me she wants to get married to her. I want her to see real Muslims like I see my old college buddies who happened to be Muslims, as good people. She will never be able to do that as long as their are scumbag terrorists who use Islam as cover, and are enabled to do so by moral relativist liberals.
I want her to proudly believe in God and love Jesus Christ, without shame or ridicule.
Most importantly, I want Emily to understand that she, and she alone, is in her control of her destiny. I do not want her to see life's failures as the fault of the government not giving her enough, or doing enough for her. I want her to have personal responsibility first and foremost.
Liberal Democrats represent everything I am not, and represent everything I do not want my daughter to be. John Kerry almost perfectly symbolized all that I am against. That is why I started this blog. We may or may not have changed one vote, but we found it very important to make people understand what kind of person John Kerry is. No one really knew him a year ago, and I was fearful that people who vote for him not knowing who he is. Luckily, thanks to more powerful people than us, people did get to know him, and rejected him accordingly.
If you are a Kerry supporter, understand this. Bush was re-elected for the same reasons that Clinton was: Their supporters believed in them even if they did not agree with all of their policies. Both were likeable, even to those who didn't vote for them. Kerry, on the other hand, simply is not a likeable guy. He is untrustworthy, and he will never be forgiven by a lot of people for what he did upon returning from Vietnam. And, complaing about how the world hates us doesn't fly here. Everyone knows France is full of assholes, and they have hated us for years. The U.N. is corrupt, and few people are interested in their opinion as well.
And, you need to dump, Michael Moore, and a whole bunch of other people and groups that are dragging you down. This country needs two strong parties, and you Democrats are NOT holding up your end of the bargain. I fear anyone with too much power. I hope you learned yesterday that anger, slander, and flat-out lying is a failure. Perhaps you should take an honest look at George W. Bush. You will see that, while flawed, he is a good man and has earned America's trust. People turned out in record numbers to vote, and, as we have seen, they turned out to support him, not reject him.
In his second term, Bush has some golden opportunities. I expect that he will have both failures and successes. But I don't have any doubt that he will act with vision and moral clarity. He will keep America strong and resolute. This is I know for sure, and that is why I supported him for re-election.
America made the right choice yesterday. America almost always make the right choice. That is why we are the greatest country on Earth.
God Bless America, and never forget the lessons of September 11th, 2001.
The aftermath
Bush has been re-elected, as we had confidently expected here. Arafat is getting worse, and I hope he is aware that Bush isn't going anywhere.
The liberals at the University of New Mexico Law School, where I attend, are freaking out. Here's a sample of what they are saying on the student forum:
Let the betting pool begin:
1) Next country U.S. will invade. I've got $50 on Syria. Iran anyone? North Korea?
2) Return of the compulsory draft. I'm putting $40 on 10 to 12 months. After the next terrorist attack.
3) Overturn of Roe v. Wade. $100 says within three years.
4) Shredding of the ESA and CAA. $35 says by the end of four years neither will have any teeth (or even dentures).
5) Privatization of Social Security at the expense of today retirees. $150 on one year or less. Who said trapeze without a safety net is such a bad thing?
6) Collapse of the federal government due to exploding budget deficit. $1000 of worthless currency says by the end of the decade.
But hey, if the Bush-loving evangelicals have their way, we should all be enjoying the Apocalypse any day now.
So, God bless and enjoy the ride!
And this:
Oh what a joyous day it is! People said they voted for him because of his moral values. If bigotry (gays bad, race and sex-based wage discrepancies good, misogyny good) and hypocrisy (abortion bad, killing Iraqi children good) constitute the American moral landscape, then we are in serious, serious trouble. The death of such bigotry and hypocrisy was what generations of MY family fought, died, and were wounded for since the civil war. So I give a big thank you to the portion of the public that upheld such selfless progress toward a more pure and and equal society by voting for Kerry and I give a big shame on you (to avoid expletives) to those who have made many soldiers including those in my family turn in their graves and nash their teeth. Enjoy your tax cuts and immoral wars.
And this:
It is a sad day today for many of us. Many of us are forced to feel like second class citizens once again.
Race and socio-economic voter suppression is alive and well and no one should discount this fact this election.
And this:
4 more years of the hope for the 'American' dream being allocated only for White Christian Heterosexuals that make over $100,000.00 a year.
And whatever this means:
Concentration Camps
Disenfranchised Voters
Thank You For Four More Years
And this:
Americans are no better than the rest of the world. Our parents worked no harder. There is no "Crusade" against terrorism (e.g. ruse on errorism). So, as you drive down the street in your SUV mowing down innocent Iraqi children, you can feel rightous because your an American, but your wrong. Your wrong. Your wrong. Your wrong. And in light of all of your self-righteous error, the world is not our friend... But, who needs friends anyway with a president like George Bush?
And my favorite, showing the "tolerance" we have come to expect from liberals:
If I believed in the devil I would go out on a limb and say those who didn't vote for Kerry are associated with the devil. However, I will say they are either associated with evil or just plain ignorant. Apparently, the number one issue driving votes was moral values and 80% of those people voted for Bush. If this is what drives people to vote for their president, then they are either evil (evangelicals) or ignorant (the rest of the christians). Hell, you have to be ignorant to believe in Christianity.
Unlike the anonymous forums, I know most of the people who wrote these. And they are damn good people. I have tried to argue with them, but it isn't worth the effort.
The liberals at the University of New Mexico Law School, where I attend, are freaking out. Here's a sample of what they are saying on the student forum:
Let the betting pool begin:
1) Next country U.S. will invade. I've got $50 on Syria. Iran anyone? North Korea?
2) Return of the compulsory draft. I'm putting $40 on 10 to 12 months. After the next terrorist attack.
3) Overturn of Roe v. Wade. $100 says within three years.
4) Shredding of the ESA and CAA. $35 says by the end of four years neither will have any teeth (or even dentures).
5) Privatization of Social Security at the expense of today retirees. $150 on one year or less. Who said trapeze without a safety net is such a bad thing?
6) Collapse of the federal government due to exploding budget deficit. $1000 of worthless currency says by the end of the decade.
But hey, if the Bush-loving evangelicals have their way, we should all be enjoying the Apocalypse any day now.
So, God bless and enjoy the ride!
And this:
Oh what a joyous day it is! People said they voted for him because of his moral values. If bigotry (gays bad, race and sex-based wage discrepancies good, misogyny good) and hypocrisy (abortion bad, killing Iraqi children good) constitute the American moral landscape, then we are in serious, serious trouble. The death of such bigotry and hypocrisy was what generations of MY family fought, died, and were wounded for since the civil war. So I give a big thank you to the portion of the public that upheld such selfless progress toward a more pure and and equal society by voting for Kerry and I give a big shame on you (to avoid expletives) to those who have made many soldiers including those in my family turn in their graves and nash their teeth. Enjoy your tax cuts and immoral wars.
And this:
It is a sad day today for many of us. Many of us are forced to feel like second class citizens once again.
Race and socio-economic voter suppression is alive and well and no one should discount this fact this election.
And this:
4 more years of the hope for the 'American' dream being allocated only for White Christian Heterosexuals that make over $100,000.00 a year.
And whatever this means:
Concentration Camps
Disenfranchised Voters
Thank You For Four More Years
And this:
Americans are no better than the rest of the world. Our parents worked no harder. There is no "Crusade" against terrorism (e.g. ruse on errorism). So, as you drive down the street in your SUV mowing down innocent Iraqi children, you can feel rightous because your an American, but your wrong. Your wrong. Your wrong. Your wrong. And in light of all of your self-righteous error, the world is not our friend... But, who needs friends anyway with a president like George Bush?
And my favorite, showing the "tolerance" we have come to expect from liberals:
If I believed in the devil I would go out on a limb and say those who didn't vote for Kerry are associated with the devil. However, I will say they are either associated with evil or just plain ignorant. Apparently, the number one issue driving votes was moral values and 80% of those people voted for Bush. If this is what drives people to vote for their president, then they are either evil (evangelicals) or ignorant (the rest of the christians). Hell, you have to be ignorant to believe in Christianity.
Unlike the anonymous forums, I know most of the people who wrote these. And they are damn good people. I have tried to argue with them, but it isn't worth the effort.
How the Second fared last night.
Good piece here regarding the implications of last night's results on gun rights.
PS. Blogger sucks.
PS. Blogger sucks.
It is 3:00am in New Mexico
Let's see: I've been up for nearly 24 hours, and I am going to bed. John Kerry is a scumbag, who needs to come to terms with the fact that he lost, and concede. I really wanted to see Bush come out and declare victory tonight. To paraphrase Al Gore, "This blog continues."
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
CNN is still at it
Wolfie just promised to come back and explain to the 9 people watching CNN why they say New Mexico is too close to call even though Bush is up 11,000 votes with 99% of the vote in. It will be 1000 words of bullshit, when he really is saying, "If we call it for Bush, then we have to say Kerry lost. We can't do that just in case he gets a liberal judge to give him 170,000 votes in Ohio."
Look at that
Bush's lead is increasing exponentially in New Mexico. And that's that.
Kerry made up about 20,000 in the last 1% of the votes here in New Mexico. Tell me that doesn't smell from here to Las Cruces.
Bush has won Nevada too. Where's the call from the MSM? Nowhere to be found.
Is it me?
Or is the Ohio lead for Bush increasing? It's up to 169,000 votes or so now.
The death of the mainstream media
America has rejected the mainstream media. The way the media is refusing to call the election for Bush when it is clear that he won, and that Kerry's legal challenge is absolutely frivolous, they are on their last legs in this country. Bush hs won the Electoral College, and has won the popular vote by nearly 4 million. Yet, the media is acting like it is 3 in the afternoon and there is no reason to call anything. Imagine if the roles were reversed. The media would be screaming for Bush to "unite" the country and concede so we can start the healing.
I am convinced without blogs and the internet, Bush would not have won today. The mainstream media is over. They have dug their own grave.
Someday, these people will reflect on what they have done, and will kick themselves for going in the tank for a pure scumbag loser jerkoff like Kerry.
And it is not just them. is refusing to call New Mexico for Bush, even though they have Bush up 25,000 votes with 103%(?) of the precincts counted.
I am convinced without blogs and the internet, Bush would not have won today. The mainstream media is over. They have dug their own grave.
Someday, these people will reflect on what they have done, and will kick themselves for going in the tank for a pure scumbag loser jerkoff like Kerry.
And it is not just them. is refusing to call New Mexico for Bush, even though they have Bush up 25,000 votes with 103%(?) of the precincts counted.
The comedy never stops
This picture is on the front page of the New York Times website:
Here's the caption: Bush supporters after a long night in Washington.
What can I possibly say that you don't already know. The bias never ends. Think of it like this: if this is what Bush supporters look like, can you imagine what Kerry supporters look like right now?

Here's the caption: Bush supporters after a long night in Washington.
What can I possibly say that you don't already know. The bias never ends. Think of it like this: if this is what Bush supporters look like, can you imagine what Kerry supporters look like right now?
The talking points are out
Expect to hear some variation of "Bush has no mandate to impose his social/domestic agenda" over the next few days.
[Update: I just hear the 3rd Democrat guest in a row use the "no madate" talking point. F'n Democrats are all the same]
[Update: I just hear the 3rd Democrat guest in a row use the "no madate" talking point. F'n Democrats are all the same]
Another hilarious headline
This ranks right up there with the Michael Moore howler:
Kerry Sends Edwards With Message of Hope
The AP is beyond parody.
Kerry Sends Edwards With Message of Hope
The AP is beyond parody.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Why won't Fox make the call?
Bush is going to win Nevada and New Mexico, and go over the 270 EV's. New Mexico should have been called by now. I guess they are afraid of the criticism they will surely get. A damn shame they have let the sore loser liberals get to them.
More good news
Thune is running away from Daschle. My prayers ave been answered.
CNN is shameless
CNN is saying that "we go to bed with Kerry ahead 262-249" and has New Mexico as a blue state? Don't they even read their own results? They are just a shameless bunch of assholes.
Now here's the wonder Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe. You know he is watching his last chance for a Supreme Court appointment going down the drain, and is trying to come up with anything that will make Kerry look legitimate in his challenge.
Now here's the wonder Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe. You know he is watching his last chance for a Supreme Court appointment going down the drain, and is trying to come up with anything that will make Kerry look legitimate in his challenge.
Edwards is a scumbag loser
Introduced as the "Next Vice-President of the United States?" Who are they kidding?
Someone tell this shyster that the votes have been counted, and they lost. Take a look at the man. He knows they lost. You can see it in his eyes. A real lowlife scumbag.
Someone tell this shyster that the votes have been counted, and they lost. Take a look at the man. He knows they lost. You can see it in his eyes. A real lowlife scumbag.
Here come John Edwards
I can't wait to hear this stand-up routine.
This is outrageous
CNN, CBS, NBC are ridiculous. Now they are providing cover for Kerry to sue.
Bush should just declare victory and go to bed. If he were a scumbag Democrat, he surely would have done so by now.
While Juan Williams, the in-house PBS hack sitting in the FOX studios, says that he does not see a "popular mandate" for Bush. A 3-million plus majority just ain't enough for these jackass liberals.
Bush should just declare victory and go to bed. If he were a scumbag Democrat, he surely would have done so by now.
While Juan Williams, the in-house PBS hack sitting in the FOX studios, says that he does not see a "popular mandate" for Bush. A 3-million plus majority just ain't enough for these jackass liberals.
Bush lead in Ohio grows...
..while John Edwards is coming out to say it is not going to be over tonight. Finally, Kerry has a use for him.
This, my fellow Americans, is the state of the Democratic Party.
Now, who is the "divider?" Democrats are trying to turn our country into a banana republic. What a bunch of shameless jerkoffs.
This, my fellow Americans, is the state of the Democratic Party.
Now, who is the "divider?" Democrats are trying to turn our country into a banana republic. What a bunch of shameless jerkoffs.
Our website is projecting...
...Bush as the winner of the 2004 election. We have more integrity than Rather and CNN.
I'll give NBC credit
They are way ahead of CNN, and Brokaw, unlike Rather, seems to care about his reputation, especially since he is retiring soon. And, Tim Russert is top-notch, a man worthy of respect. They have the near complete vote total of Ohio, with Bush up about 123,000 votes. CNN is still saying that there are 378,000 uncounted votes.
Now I am watching Rather. He looks flustered and is trying to keep the faith. Give it up Dan.
Now I am watching Rather. He looks flustered and is trying to keep the faith. Give it up Dan.
Now Iowa has problems?
Now, CNN is talking about the problems with paper ballots. Oh Please!! Every voting machine is broken, but only when they say Bush is winning. Stop it.
We all know why Iowa is being held up. This way, Kerry is within the Ohio margin of victory, and has a plausible excuse to continue. At best, the Democrats hope to cheapen Bush's win as much as possible for the Supreme Court nomination fights that are coming soon.
We all know why Iowa is being held up. This way, Kerry is within the Ohio margin of victory, and has a plausible excuse to continue. At best, the Democrats hope to cheapen Bush's win as much as possible for the Supreme Court nomination fights that are coming soon.
CNN is a joke
No wonder FOX is kicking their asses all over the place. Aaron Brown looks like his dog got hit by an SUV, and Wolfie Blitzer is still trying to put out a Kerry wins scenario. Pa-f'n-thetic.
Now, they are talking about how we are going to have to wait 10 days for the provisional ballots and (HAHAHAHAHAHA) military ballots may help Kerry.
Now, CNN just yelled "Ohio is too close to call." They should called themselves KNN now. A green state? What the f is that?
Now Judy Woodruff says that 104,000 vote margin is not enough with 387,000 votes are outstanding. So basically Kerry would have to take like 80% of those minimum of what's left. Uh, not likely.
Wolfie just said other news organizations have called Ohio for Kerry. Who? CBC? Al-Jazeera? PBS? Dan Rather?
Now, they are talking about how we are going to have to wait 10 days for the provisional ballots and (HAHAHAHAHAHA) military ballots may help Kerry.
Now, CNN just yelled "Ohio is too close to call." They should called themselves KNN now. A green state? What the f is that?
Now Judy Woodruff says that 104,000 vote margin is not enough with 387,000 votes are outstanding. So basically Kerry would have to take like 80% of those minimum of what's left. Uh, not likely.
Wolfie just said other news organizations have called Ohio for Kerry. Who? CBC? Al-Jazeera? PBS? Dan Rather?
Iowa has Bush up with 92% of the vote, while New Mexico has Bush up with 88%. I need New Mexico to put him over the top, not Iowa.
I will stay up all night if necessary... order to see Kerry's concession speech. I have read a few places that he is going to fight the vote. If he does, he'll only sink the Democrat Party even more. The "Bush stole the election" crap will not fly anymore. Hell, it never really has except with the sore losers.
I suspect Kerry will concede only when it is so late that few people, even in California, will see it.
I suspect Kerry will concede only when it is so late that few people, even in California, will see it.
I love this
Next to the headlines, "Bush Wins," "Daschle Loses," and "Bush Wins New Mexico," this will end up as my favorite headline of the day:
Florida Voting So Smooth, Michael Moore Packs Up, Leaves
Florida Voting So Smooth, Michael Moore Packs Up, Leaves
Bush's lead in NM is growing
Fox should be calling the election for Bush any moment now.
If you care
Here's the ongoing results for New Mexico, which I am praying is that state that pushes Bush over the top.
I asked for 3 things in my prayers
1 - Bush to win. It looks more and more like I am going to get my first prayer answered.
2 - Daschle to lose. That is looking better and better by the minute.
3 - Bush to win New Mexico. I did not want my fellow law students at U of New Mexico to have something to hang their hat on. That is looking good too.
2 - Daschle to lose. That is looking better and better by the minute.
3 - Bush to win New Mexico. I did not want my fellow law students at U of New Mexico to have something to hang their hat on. That is looking good too.
Iowa a dead heat
Michigan is closer than Ohio, yet the networks have no problem acting like Kerry has it won, while still trying to explain all the scenarios of how Kerry will win Ohio.
I can just see it now
Kerry will pull the same Gore line, "Our campaign continues" and try to sick the lawyers on Ohio. He'll scream about minority voter disenfranchisement, voter intimidation, the usual crap. I hope he is decent enough to give it up properly when the time comes, which looks like it is soon.
Fox has projected Ohio for Bush
I think my adopted home of New Mexico may just put Bush over the top. How sweet that would be. I'd walk into UNM Law School tomorrow with my head so high, I'd hit the ceiling.
Meanwhile, my local news station KRQE is talking about how New Mexico could put Kerry over the top.
And Tom Brokaw is still keeping the faith. Thankfully, the CBS affiliate is showing local news, not Dan Blather.
As far as I can tell, no one else besides FOX has called Ohio for Bush. Michael Moore has himself a new conspiracy theory to sell at $35,000 a pop.
Meanwhile, my local news station KRQE is talking about how New Mexico could put Kerry over the top.
And Tom Brokaw is still keeping the faith. Thankfully, the CBS affiliate is showing local news, not Dan Blather.
As far as I can tell, no one else besides FOX has called Ohio for Bush. Michael Moore has himself a new conspiracy theory to sell at $35,000 a pop.
Where's Waldo?
Has John Edwards done anything for Kerry? He didn't help in North Carolina, you never saw him on the campaign trail, and despite all the media hype, trying to make him out to be something he isn't, he's been nothing but an empty suit.
Ohio is coming to the wire
But it looks to me that Bush can pull it out and with enough votes to "lawyer-proof" the win. Then again, with the Democrats, who knows.
After this is all over, I will post a few video opinions for fun.
After this is all over, I will post a few video opinions for fun.
We called it first
Bush takes Florida!!! (OK, it was no big deal)
Kerry is done
I am now sure of it. Susan Estrich looks like her parrot got eaten by the neighbor's iguana, and she is running out the usual Democratic lines. The sound of her pathetic voice is even worse than usual.
PBS's Juan Williams looks no better.
PBS's Juan Williams looks no better.
If you need some laughter
We are projecting...
...that Bush wins Florida, and with more than enough to send the lawyers home tonight. Thank God.
Gee, only Dems seem to have this problem
Either Democrats are the stupidest sons-of-bitches out there, or they are lying their asses off. (Probably both, come to think of it)
Electronic Voting Machine Woes Reported
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Voters nationwide reported some 1,100 problems with electronic voting machines on Tuesday, including trouble choosing their intended candidates.
The e-voting glitches reported to the Election Protection Coalition, an umbrella group of volunteer poll monitors that set up a telephone hotline, included malfunctions blamed on everything from power outages to incompetent poll workers.
But there were also several dozen voters in six states — particularly Democrats in Florida — who said the wrong candidates appeared on their touch-screen machine's checkout screen, the coalition said.
In many cases, voters said they intended to select John Kerry but when the computer asked them to verify the choice it showed them instead opting for President Bush, the group said.
How come the machines never seem to accidentally vote for Kerry when someone meant to vote for Bush? Here's your answer:
Ralph G. Neas, president of People for the American Way Foundation, which helped form the coalition, called the summary screen problem "troubling but anecdotal."
He and other voting rights advocates said the disproportionate number of Democrats reporting such problems was probably due to higher awareness of voter protection coalitions.
Neas isn't an "advocate," he's a far-left scumbag who is pissed off that he hasn't been invited to The White House since Clinton relocated. But, the tactic is brilliant. Absolutely no real proof is required. I was told and my polling place this morning, do not hit the VOTE button until you are sure you have voted for your preferred candidates. If you have any problem, notify use immediately.
I am so tired of this shit. If you are stupid, don't blame the evil Republicans. But, we all know you aren't stupid, you are full of shit.
Electronic Voting Machine Woes Reported
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Voters nationwide reported some 1,100 problems with electronic voting machines on Tuesday, including trouble choosing their intended candidates.
The e-voting glitches reported to the Election Protection Coalition, an umbrella group of volunteer poll monitors that set up a telephone hotline, included malfunctions blamed on everything from power outages to incompetent poll workers.
But there were also several dozen voters in six states — particularly Democrats in Florida — who said the wrong candidates appeared on their touch-screen machine's checkout screen, the coalition said.
In many cases, voters said they intended to select John Kerry but when the computer asked them to verify the choice it showed them instead opting for President Bush, the group said.
How come the machines never seem to accidentally vote for Kerry when someone meant to vote for Bush? Here's your answer:
Ralph G. Neas, president of People for the American Way Foundation, which helped form the coalition, called the summary screen problem "troubling but anecdotal."
He and other voting rights advocates said the disproportionate number of Democrats reporting such problems was probably due to higher awareness of voter protection coalitions.
Neas isn't an "advocate," he's a far-left scumbag who is pissed off that he hasn't been invited to The White House since Clinton relocated. But, the tactic is brilliant. Absolutely no real proof is required. I was told and my polling place this morning, do not hit the VOTE button until you are sure you have voted for your preferred candidates. If you have any problem, notify use immediately.
I am so tired of this shit. If you are stupid, don't blame the evil Republicans. But, we all know you aren't stupid, you are full of shit.
After Bush wins tonight...
Expect to see a lot of articles like this over the next few days:
Kerry Overpowers Bush on Black Vote
If you are black, ask yourself why you support the Democrats when they and their liberal pals treat you like infants.
Kerry Overpowers Bush on Black Vote
If you are black, ask yourself why you support the Democrats when they and their liberal pals treat you like infants.
8:50 pm MST
I just made the flight back from Phoenix (yeah, flew there and back today) and was out of the loop for about 75 minutes. It felt like a lifetime. I am feeling cautiously optimistic right now.
Remember, it's all about Ohio and Florida. The rest is gravy.
Remember, it's all about Ohio and Florida. The rest is gravy.
Bush gets West Virginia
This is another good sign, WVA being called so soon. How often did we hear that Kerry had a chance to win there.
And, not only does the military despise Kerry, just look at how the stock market reacted to the mere thought that Kerry could win:
U.S. stocks jarred by early call favoring Kerry
NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- U.S. stocks staged a sharp reversal Tuesday, with blue chips sliding into negative territory and the Nasdaq paring gains amid reports that John Kerry is putting in a strong early showing at the polls.
"The only thing I can see is that the Drudge Report shows the preliminary exit polls showing Kerry within striking distance," said Jay Suskind, director of trading of Ryan, Beck & Co.
Miller Tabak equity strategist Peter Boockvar said there was a "sort of panic" as traders heard the news of Kerry's lead.
Worst economy since Herbert Hoover? The people with real money at stake sure think otherwise.
And, not only does the military despise Kerry, just look at how the stock market reacted to the mere thought that Kerry could win:
U.S. stocks jarred by early call favoring Kerry
NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- U.S. stocks staged a sharp reversal Tuesday, with blue chips sliding into negative territory and the Nasdaq paring gains amid reports that John Kerry is putting in a strong early showing at the polls.
"The only thing I can see is that the Drudge Report shows the preliminary exit polls showing Kerry within striking distance," said Jay Suskind, director of trading of Ryan, Beck & Co.
Miller Tabak equity strategist Peter Boockvar said there was a "sort of panic" as traders heard the news of Kerry's lead.
Worst economy since Herbert Hoover? The people with real money at stake sure think otherwise.
Pay attention to this
The CBC has a good interactive graphic for you to watch actual vote totals later tonight. As of right now, some of the Indiana and Kentucky numbers are in. As expected, Bush is up big there.
Calm down people
Many people are getting upset over some exit polls. Why? They are run by the same news outlets that are in the tank for Kerry. Their entire objective is to depress Bush supporters, and have them think, "Bush is losing anyway, so why should I wait an hour or two to vote for nothing." You all know better.
Let's see some real vote totals, not numbers from some hacks asking people to tell them who they voted for after they walked out, before we get too nervous here. Nervousness is good. We all should be nervous. Just be realistically nervous. In 1996, I told an exit pollster I voted for Perot.
Let's see some real vote totals, not numbers from some hacks asking people to tell them who they voted for after they walked out, before we get too nervous here. Nervousness is good. We all should be nervous. Just be realistically nervous. In 1996, I told an exit pollster I voted for Perot.
More ridiculous polls
As if we haven't heard enough about polls, now we get the usual "exit polls." Tell the news outlets to shove them up their asses. Give me real numbers please.
My hometown hasn't changed a bit
It has been nearly 4 years since I left my home in Philly to move out west. I went to Tempe, Arizona for 3 years and now I am in Albuquerque. I've changed, but my home of 29 years sure hasn't:
Before voting even began in Philadelphia -- Republican poll watchers believed they found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered in heavy-minority locations throughout the city.
Republican poll watchers claim:
One incident occurred at the SALVATION ARMY, 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8.
Pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with over 200 and one with nearly 500...
A second location, 1901 W. Girard Ave., Berean Institute, Philadelphia, Pa, had 300+ votes already on 2 machines at start of day.
ANOTHER INCIDENT: 292 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 7/7: ADDRESS: 122 W. Erie Ave., Roberto Clemente School, Philadelphia, Pa..
ANOTHER: 456 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 12/3; ADDRESS: 5657 Chew Ave., storefront, Philadelphia, Pa...
The Kerry Campaign says reports of votes already on machines are 'false.'
"Serious news will not appear first on the DRUDGE gossip website," senior Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart told reporters.
Officially, election officials explain the discrepancy is being caused by a number showing how many times various machines have been used.
But officials could not explain why used machines in other locations were reportedly 'clean.'
Elsewhere, a gun was purposely made visible to scare poll watchers at Ward 30, division 11, at 905 S. 20th St., Grand Court. Police were called and quickly surrounded the location...
These "officials" know damn well why machines in other locations were "reportedly 'clean.'" The tainted machines are all in minority neighborhoods, strategically placed. This way, when Republicans complain, the Democrats can scream "minority voter suppression." It is a joke. I know how Philly works, and I'd bet a month's pay that these are the only machines that were caught. I am damn sure there are many more like them.
Before voting even began in Philadelphia -- Republican poll watchers believed they found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered in heavy-minority locations throughout the city.
Republican poll watchers claim:
One incident occurred at the SALVATION ARMY, 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8.
Pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with over 200 and one with nearly 500...
A second location, 1901 W. Girard Ave., Berean Institute, Philadelphia, Pa, had 300+ votes already on 2 machines at start of day.
ANOTHER INCIDENT: 292 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 7/7: ADDRESS: 122 W. Erie Ave., Roberto Clemente School, Philadelphia, Pa..
ANOTHER: 456 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 12/3; ADDRESS: 5657 Chew Ave., storefront, Philadelphia, Pa...
The Kerry Campaign says reports of votes already on machines are 'false.'
"Serious news will not appear first on the DRUDGE gossip website," senior Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart told reporters.
Officially, election officials explain the discrepancy is being caused by a number showing how many times various machines have been used.
But officials could not explain why used machines in other locations were reportedly 'clean.'
Elsewhere, a gun was purposely made visible to scare poll watchers at Ward 30, division 11, at 905 S. 20th St., Grand Court. Police were called and quickly surrounded the location...
These "officials" know damn well why machines in other locations were "reportedly 'clean.'" The tainted machines are all in minority neighborhoods, strategically placed. This way, when Republicans complain, the Democrats can scream "minority voter suppression." It is a joke. I know how Philly works, and I'd bet a month's pay that these are the only machines that were caught. I am damn sure there are many more like them.
My voting experience
I got out of bed at 4:40 a.m. and went to the polling place at 5:45. I was the 3rd person in line (my family met me there) at the Paradise Hills Community Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The polls opened at 7:00 and we were done by 7:15. When I walked out, the line was like nothing I have ever seen. It went down three hallways and snaked throughout the gymnasium and out the door. I loved it. It was great to see my community respond like that.
I voted, of course, for Bush. I also voted for Heather Wilson, to changed the name of the school for the blind to the school for the visually impaired, for honorably discharged veterans to get a property tax exemption, for money for the library, for every Republican judge, and for the funds to build a road extension we need. I voted against pay raises for the legislators. (Tell them to get a real job if the pay sucks) I voted against retention for each judge up for retention, every bond issue, and left the slots blank where the Dems were running unopposed and where a Dem was running against a Green.
Tell us about your voting experience.
I voted, of course, for Bush. I also voted for Heather Wilson, to changed the name of the school for the blind to the school for the visually impaired, for honorably discharged veterans to get a property tax exemption, for money for the library, for every Republican judge, and for the funds to build a road extension we need. I voted against pay raises for the legislators. (Tell them to get a real job if the pay sucks) I voted against retention for each judge up for retention, every bond issue, and left the slots blank where the Dems were running unopposed and where a Dem was running against a Green.
Tell us about your voting experience.
Monday, November 01, 2004
It is now up to you
Vote time is here. All the polls and talk means nothing now.
We are getting up at 5 a.m. to get in line for the 7 a.m. poll opening here in New Mexico. I have an 8:45 flight to Phoenix. If I don't make it, then so be it. I'll be back on my rocking chair by 8:15 MST, and will be blogging often tomorrow night.
I expect that tomorrow night will bring a Bush victory, as evidenced by my prediction below. I refuse to believe that this country will turn over the Presidency to a one-world Socialist who does not believe in American Exceptionalism. Instead, that joke of a liberal thinks that the United States is just another land mass on the globe. I trust that more than enough Americans see things like I do, and will stand with Bush.
Use the commetns to tell us about your voting experiences today. Tell us where you are and what you are seeing.
Vote Bush.
We are getting up at 5 a.m. to get in line for the 7 a.m. poll opening here in New Mexico. I have an 8:45 flight to Phoenix. If I don't make it, then so be it. I'll be back on my rocking chair by 8:15 MST, and will be blogging often tomorrow night.
I expect that tomorrow night will bring a Bush victory, as evidenced by my prediction below. I refuse to believe that this country will turn over the Presidency to a one-world Socialist who does not believe in American Exceptionalism. Instead, that joke of a liberal thinks that the United States is just another land mass on the globe. I trust that more than enough Americans see things like I do, and will stand with Bush.
Use the commetns to tell us about your voting experiences today. Tell us where you are and what you are seeing.
Vote Bush.
Vote Thune in South Dakota
If you are in the beautiful state of South Dakota, please, PLEASE get out and vote for Jim Thune. Tom Daschle has got to go.
And Daschle is shitting a brick. Read the top-notch blog Daschle v. Thune for this laughable lawsuit Daschle filed. Only a Democrat could see "note-taking" as an intimidation tactic.
And Daschle is shitting a brick. Read the top-notch blog Daschle v. Thune for this laughable lawsuit Daschle filed. Only a Democrat could see "note-taking" as an intimidation tactic.
Test time
The Timeline of Kerry's incompetent campaign
My prediction
Here is how I see the Electoral College shaping up:
And your prediction is?

And your prediction is?
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Why Bush is going to win - Part Two
- Ohio is a Republican state, with a Republican governor, Republican legislature, and, outside of Cleveland, is full of gun-toting, America-first conservatives. The crowds (see below) have shown up in huge numbers for Bush. Kerry, on the other hand hasn't been filling up areas or stadiums. I don't what the polls say. Ohio goes for Bush.
- Didn't we here from the entire Democratic establishment (especially that tool Terry McAuliffe) that getting rid of Governor Jeb Bush in Florida in 2002 was Job 1 for the Democratic Party? Didn't we hear how Jeb was going down, they were sending a message to W, etc? Well, Jeb won in a landslide, and carries a 70% approval rating today. Blacks and Jews have caught on to the Democrats, and the vote total will reflect that. USA Today and CNN will trumpet all day Monday how their polls of people who have already voted has Kerry up 8 points. Big f'n deal. That is the current equivalent of calling Florida for Gore an hour before the polls close in the heavily Republican panhandle. It is an attempt to lower the pro-Bush morale. The facts are all right in front of us, and Bush wins Florida.
- Just look at where Bush and Kerry have been over the last few weeks: Ohio and Florida, 2 states Bush won in 2000, and Iowa, New Mexico, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, all Gore states in 2000. Would Bush be wasting his time in some or all of those blue states if he didn't have a real chance to win? Of course he wouldn't. Recently, the media tried to give out the impression that Arkansas and Missouri were back in play. If that were true, why hasn't Kerry appeared there? The Bush campaign has responded quickly to those opportunities, while Kerry did not. Why is that? Kerry is running a lousy campaign, but his people aren't stupid. They would have had Kerry (or least Edwards) in Arkansas and Missouri if they were back in play. That they didn't tells you all you need to know. On the other hand, if Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin were not real opportunities, Bush would not have wasted any time there when Ohio is worth 20 electoral votes.
- More to follow.
- Didn't we here from the entire Democratic establishment (especially that tool Terry McAuliffe) that getting rid of Governor Jeb Bush in Florida in 2002 was Job 1 for the Democratic Party? Didn't we hear how Jeb was going down, they were sending a message to W, etc? Well, Jeb won in a landslide, and carries a 70% approval rating today. Blacks and Jews have caught on to the Democrats, and the vote total will reflect that. USA Today and CNN will trumpet all day Monday how their polls of people who have already voted has Kerry up 8 points. Big f'n deal. That is the current equivalent of calling Florida for Gore an hour before the polls close in the heavily Republican panhandle. It is an attempt to lower the pro-Bush morale. The facts are all right in front of us, and Bush wins Florida.
- Just look at where Bush and Kerry have been over the last few weeks: Ohio and Florida, 2 states Bush won in 2000, and Iowa, New Mexico, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, all Gore states in 2000. Would Bush be wasting his time in some or all of those blue states if he didn't have a real chance to win? Of course he wouldn't. Recently, the media tried to give out the impression that Arkansas and Missouri were back in play. If that were true, why hasn't Kerry appeared there? The Bush campaign has responded quickly to those opportunities, while Kerry did not. Why is that? Kerry is running a lousy campaign, but his people aren't stupid. They would have had Kerry (or least Edwards) in Arkansas and Missouri if they were back in play. That they didn't tells you all you need to know. On the other hand, if Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin were not real opportunities, Bush would not have wasted any time there when Ohio is worth 20 electoral votes.
- More to follow.
Why Bush is going to win - Part One
Bush is going to win on Tuesday. There is little doubt in my mind. I must admit that I get nervous from time to time, but I always go back to what I see, not what I hear, and feel better again. The reasons why Bush is going to be re-elected are many, and I wlll give you a few of them.
Look at the crowds coming to see Bush as compared to those going to see Kerry. Tonight, on Halloween, 47,000 people showed up to the Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati. In Columbus, the Nationwide Arena was packed to the rafters the other day. Over 30,000 at the Silverdome in Michigan. Over 23,000 at the Target Center in Minneapolis. Over 40,000 at Altell Stadium in Jacksonville last week.
And here is my favorite example, after the 3rd and final debate at my alma mater Arizona State:
PHOENIX (AP) — More than 44,500 people — many waving pom poms and signs — crowded into Bank One Ballpark on Wednesday to watch the presidential debate and to hear from President Bush in person.
Similarly, Democratic nominee John Kerry was greeted by cheering crowds at Tempe Town Lake near Grady Gammage Auditorium, where the debate was held. The throngs of supporters interrupted him at least once chanting his name.
He used the rally of at least 10,000 people, many of whom appeared to be college students, to criticize Bush's debate responses on health care and jobs.
I have been to Tempe Town Lake many times, and was skeptical of the number, so I talked to a few friends from ASU who support Kerry, and they laughed when I asked them if it was at least 10,000. (And, notice the confidence the writer uses when citing Bush's totals, and the "at least" qualifier for Kerry's.) They said closer to 5,000.
My friends, believe what you see, and not what the pollsters or the hacks tell you. The only crowd of real substance to come out and see Kerry was Madison, Wisconsin. However, think about it. Bruce Springsteen was playing there. I'm from Philly, and everyitme Springsteen announced 12 shows in Philly, they sold out in 5 minutes. I do not for a second believe Kerry could have drawn 25% of that crowd with Springsteen.
No one is forced to go out and see Bush or Kerry. The enthusiasm for Bush is huge and real, and the enthusiasm for Kerry just isn't there. The proof is there for all to see.
Look at the crowds coming to see Bush as compared to those going to see Kerry. Tonight, on Halloween, 47,000 people showed up to the Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati. In Columbus, the Nationwide Arena was packed to the rafters the other day. Over 30,000 at the Silverdome in Michigan. Over 23,000 at the Target Center in Minneapolis. Over 40,000 at Altell Stadium in Jacksonville last week.
And here is my favorite example, after the 3rd and final debate at my alma mater Arizona State:
PHOENIX (AP) — More than 44,500 people — many waving pom poms and signs — crowded into Bank One Ballpark on Wednesday to watch the presidential debate and to hear from President Bush in person.
Similarly, Democratic nominee John Kerry was greeted by cheering crowds at Tempe Town Lake near Grady Gammage Auditorium, where the debate was held. The throngs of supporters interrupted him at least once chanting his name.
He used the rally of at least 10,000 people, many of whom appeared to be college students, to criticize Bush's debate responses on health care and jobs.
I have been to Tempe Town Lake many times, and was skeptical of the number, so I talked to a few friends from ASU who support Kerry, and they laughed when I asked them if it was at least 10,000. (And, notice the confidence the writer uses when citing Bush's totals, and the "at least" qualifier for Kerry's.) They said closer to 5,000.
My friends, believe what you see, and not what the pollsters or the hacks tell you. The only crowd of real substance to come out and see Kerry was Madison, Wisconsin. However, think about it. Bruce Springsteen was playing there. I'm from Philly, and everyitme Springsteen announced 12 shows in Philly, they sold out in 5 minutes. I do not for a second believe Kerry could have drawn 25% of that crowd with Springsteen.
No one is forced to go out and see Bush or Kerry. The enthusiasm for Bush is huge and real, and the enthusiasm for Kerry just isn't there. The proof is there for all to see.
At the pumpkin patch
On the left is my niece Shannon, and on the right is my little angel Emily, at McCall's Pumpkin Patch in Moriarity, New Mexico.


Halloween Fun
This is my almost-11-month old daughter Emily in her Halloween costume.


Saturday, October 30, 2004
Happy Halloween


My family's votes and why
I'd love to hear a few family stories in the comments, especially if you support Bush and you have a family member supporting Kerry, or vice-versa. As for my family:
Stephanie: (NM voter) Finds Bush more pleasant and likeable. Like his values. Only watched some of the 3rd debate, and she HATED Kerry bringing up Cheney's daughter. Absolutely HATED it. Thought it was low and "scummy."
My sister: (PA voter) Bush. Likes his personality. Thinks Kerry has no personality. Says Kerry reminds her of the "bullshit artists" who tried to pick her up for all the years she was a bartender, the ones she humored but never paid any real attention to.
My mother: (NJ voter) Bush. "Kerry looks like a creep."
My father: (NJ voter) Bush. "I don't need the President to get me a job. I make my own work." He is all about taxes and terrorism. Was deeply affected by 9/11. And I mean deeply. Doesn't trust Kerry "as far as [he] could throw him."
My brother: (PA voter and registered Democrat) Bush. "I vote Democrat because the Democrats here in Philly are corrupt, and I make money from it. I'd vote for Kerry over Bush if they were running for mayor of Philly. My man Frank Rizzo would have voted for Bush."
Stephanie's Mom: (NM Voter) Bush. I have heard her curse only once. Ever. The morning of the Iowa caucuses, she saw Howard Dean on TV and said, "What an asshole." Likes Bush's faith and resolve.
Stephanie's Dad: (NM Voter) Bush. He was in the Navy from 1960-66. Enough said. Has called Kerry the following: "Asshole" "Huge Asshole" "Major Asshole" "Asshole Democrat" "A Real Asshole" and several other variations. Also said that "I don't know why they think that calling Bush a 'cowboy' is some sort of insult."
Stephanie's sister: (NM Voter)Kerry. Knows nothing about what is going on. Says "We shouldn't be in Iraq." Was a huge Dean supporter, but just couldn't get out to vote for the primary. Too busy that day.
Stephanie's Brother-in-Law: (NM Voter) Kerry. Is originally from Boston. Thinks Michael Moore is an honest man. Simply a typical uninformed liberal. Despite all that, a top-notch guy, a terrific uncle to my daughter, who absolutely adores him, as she should.
My cousin Jamie: (VA Voter) Bush: Currently in Mosul, Iraq. Voting for the guy who sent him there. So is "95% of the guys with [him there]."
My Uncle Andrew: (NJ Voter) Bush. Bush is a real leader and Kerry is "a piece of shit."
There you have it. Most of my immediate family supports Bush. One hting I am happy about. Bush lost New Mexico by 336 votes last time. The 4 votes he is getting from my family were not here 4 years ago, while the 2 Kerry votes were here in 2000, and voted for Gore.
Tell us about some of your family.
Stephanie: (NM voter) Finds Bush more pleasant and likeable. Like his values. Only watched some of the 3rd debate, and she HATED Kerry bringing up Cheney's daughter. Absolutely HATED it. Thought it was low and "scummy."
My sister: (PA voter) Bush. Likes his personality. Thinks Kerry has no personality. Says Kerry reminds her of the "bullshit artists" who tried to pick her up for all the years she was a bartender, the ones she humored but never paid any real attention to.
My mother: (NJ voter) Bush. "Kerry looks like a creep."
My father: (NJ voter) Bush. "I don't need the President to get me a job. I make my own work." He is all about taxes and terrorism. Was deeply affected by 9/11. And I mean deeply. Doesn't trust Kerry "as far as [he] could throw him."
My brother: (PA voter and registered Democrat) Bush. "I vote Democrat because the Democrats here in Philly are corrupt, and I make money from it. I'd vote for Kerry over Bush if they were running for mayor of Philly. My man Frank Rizzo would have voted for Bush."
Stephanie's Mom: (NM Voter) Bush. I have heard her curse only once. Ever. The morning of the Iowa caucuses, she saw Howard Dean on TV and said, "What an asshole." Likes Bush's faith and resolve.
Stephanie's Dad: (NM Voter) Bush. He was in the Navy from 1960-66. Enough said. Has called Kerry the following: "Asshole" "Huge Asshole" "Major Asshole" "Asshole Democrat" "A Real Asshole" and several other variations. Also said that "I don't know why they think that calling Bush a 'cowboy' is some sort of insult."
Stephanie's sister: (NM Voter)Kerry. Knows nothing about what is going on. Says "We shouldn't be in Iraq." Was a huge Dean supporter, but just couldn't get out to vote for the primary. Too busy that day.
Stephanie's Brother-in-Law: (NM Voter) Kerry. Is originally from Boston. Thinks Michael Moore is an honest man. Simply a typical uninformed liberal. Despite all that, a top-notch guy, a terrific uncle to my daughter, who absolutely adores him, as she should.
My cousin Jamie: (VA Voter) Bush: Currently in Mosul, Iraq. Voting for the guy who sent him there. So is "95% of the guys with [him there]."
My Uncle Andrew: (NJ Voter) Bush. Bush is a real leader and Kerry is "a piece of shit."
There you have it. Most of my immediate family supports Bush. One hting I am happy about. Bush lost New Mexico by 336 votes last time. The 4 votes he is getting from my family were not here 4 years ago, while the 2 Kerry votes were here in 2000, and voted for Gore.
Tell us about some of your family.
Laugh of the month
I can't stop laughing!
“I know a great deal about the Middle East because I’ve been raising Arabian horses,” he said.
Who is that unparalleled genius? Patrick Swayze. F'n hlarious.
“I know a great deal about the Middle East because I’ve been raising Arabian horses,” he said.
Who is that unparalleled genius? Patrick Swayze. F'n hlarious.

Interesting (for once) AP article
Some parts of this article caught my eye.
Bush, Kerry Crisscross Midwestern States
APPLETON, Wis. - As President Bush and John Kerry crisscrossed Midwest battleground states Saturday, a new poll showed the incumbent moving ahead of the Massachusetts senator in the popular vote, and Democrats said their private surveys also hinted at momentum for the president.
Throughout the battlegrounds, Kerry's mostly paid army of organizers was pitted against Bush's largely volunteer-driven team to get supporters to the polls Tuesday.
Of course, the pro-Kerry bias comes back soon after. But I was surprised that those 2 parts got past the AP editor.
Bush, Kerry Crisscross Midwestern States
APPLETON, Wis. - As President Bush and John Kerry crisscrossed Midwest battleground states Saturday, a new poll showed the incumbent moving ahead of the Massachusetts senator in the popular vote, and Democrats said their private surveys also hinted at momentum for the president.
Throughout the battlegrounds, Kerry's mostly paid army of organizers was pitted against Bush's largely volunteer-driven team to get supporters to the polls Tuesday.
Of course, the pro-Kerry bias comes back soon after. But I was surprised that those 2 parts got past the AP editor.

I knew Karl Rove would get blamed
But I didn't think it would be that old, senile bastard Walter Cronkite:
Cronkite: "I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."
Beyond hilarious.
Cronkite: "I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."
Beyond hilarious.
Laugh of the day
Read the comments of those who are supporting Kerry. Remember, these are people who are endorsing Kerry. Some of my favorites:
Andrew Sullivan - I completely understand those who look at this man's record & deduce that he is simply unfit to fight a war for our survival. They have an important point.
Washington Post - Some of Mr. Kerry's strengths strike us as potential weaknesses.
Paul Berman -I'm voting for Kerry, with no great belief that he will be a first-rate president
Daniel Drezner - I remain completely unconvinced that Kerry understands the limits of multilateral diplomacy.
Scott Moore, Slate - These times demand strong positive leadership. I don't know if John Kerry can provide it, but...
We don't even have to make it up. Kerry supporters write it for us.
Andrew Sullivan - I completely understand those who look at this man's record & deduce that he is simply unfit to fight a war for our survival. They have an important point.
Washington Post - Some of Mr. Kerry's strengths strike us as potential weaknesses.
Paul Berman -I'm voting for Kerry, with no great belief that he will be a first-rate president
Daniel Drezner - I remain completely unconvinced that Kerry understands the limits of multilateral diplomacy.
Scott Moore, Slate - These times demand strong positive leadership. I don't know if John Kerry can provide it, but...
We don't even have to make it up. Kerry supporters write it for us.